Asociación Española de Emisoras Digitales (A.E.E.D.)

  • Bringing DAB+ to Spain

    A.E.E.D. collaborates with several autonomous communities within Spanish territory, and co-ordinates with various equipment designers, developers and specialised companies within this sector, to facilitate the free and immediate deployment of DAB+ in accordance with E.U directives and initiatives. In addition, the association is working alongside several Radio stations who wish to collaborate with the pilot tests of A.E.E.D., which often include play-out software integration for disaster contol and early warning systems.

    The Asociación Española de Emisoras Digitales is a professional association, registered in 2018 (Ministerio del Interior, Registro Nacional de Asociaciones Nº 616045), CIF Nº G93619005.

    About DAB+ in Spain

    Due to a general lack of interest from the main political forces and institutions in Spain's central government and autonomous communities, Spain has been relegated to almost the bottom of the league regarding the transition from analogue to digital Radio. In addition, the major media groups have passively frustrated this transition to limit competition within the sector, because the deployment of DAB+ would dilute their market dominance. Fortunately, several independent operators have taken the initiative to test DAB+ multiplex systems across key points within Spain, and many of these operators are collaborating with A.E.E.D. to incorporate the corresponding autonomous communities to collaborate with these pilot tests.

    A.E.E.D. Partners and Collaborators

    The Asociación Española de Emisoras Digitales is a professional association, registered in 2018 (Ministerio del Interior, Registro Nacional de Asociaciones Nº 616045), CIF Nº G93619005.

    We are proud to be working with the following companies and individuals:-

    TWS Broadcast (Canary Islands). This company is a leader in the development of DAB+ IP based multiplex systems, with over 15 years of experience and dozens of installations within the E.U.

    VIAMUX (Ireland). This company specialises in the software applications used to encode and transport signals from Radio studios to DAB+ multiplex systems for DAB+ transmittion.

    Qmusica (Canary Islands), specialising in the development of automated multilingual early waring and disaster alert systems for integration within DAB+ systems.

    Specific Data: What we do for DAB+

    These are the iniciatives and objectives of A.E.E.D. regarding the implementation of DAB+ and other digital Radio platforms in Spain.

    Pilot Tests: DAB+

    A.E.E.D. Pilot tests are currently underway, or due for iniciation, in Tenerife (Islas Canarias), Valencia, Murcia and several regions within Andalucia. During 2023 and 2024, every autonomous community will be contacted by A.E.E.D. to initiate collaborations.

    Development: DAB+ Extra Features

    In addition to the LEXA system, to adapt DAB+ to the challenging terrain of many parts of Spain, cross-polarized antenna systems are currently under development to allow more consistent signal levels. Also, signal transport signals (studio to transmitter links) are being developed and modified to allow for challenging conditions, and to apply contingency services.

    Multilingual Early Warning Systems via DAB+

    The most important, and neccessary development currently underway is "LEXA", a semi-automated, multi-lingual early warning or disaster control system. This could interrupt programming to alert, in the general language or languages of the DAB+ stations, to alter listeners of severe weather, forest fires, volcanic or siesmic activity, major travel incidents, chemical or viral air or water contamination, terrorist alerts, etc. This system could also interface ocean detector buoys, which can alert to dangerous levels of e-coli or other potentially dangerous conditions.

    Public Awareness of DAB+ in Spain

    Through the collaboration of Radio stations which collaborate with A.E.E.D. Pilot Tests, sufficient public awareness of the availability of DAB+ would be accelerated, via the station's social media and broadcasts on other media formats. In addition, public administrations will be encouraged to promote the pending transition from analogue to digital radio via their own media networks and public awareness campaigns.

    Promotion of Media Diversity via DAB+

    The amount of Radio channels which can be broadcast from a DAB+ multiplex transmittion point vastly exceeds the availability on the current analogue bands. As such, consumers would have a more ample selection of Radio stations, with superior diversity to allow for different languages, cultures and music preferences.

    Reduction of CO/2 through transition from FM to DAB+

    A single DAB+ multiplex could replace 20+ individual FM transmitters, using <5% of the required electricity, thus vastly reducing carbon emmissions.

    Contact A.E.E.D.

    If you are a DAB+ system owner, designer or developer, or if you are a station owner who would like to participate in one of our DAB+ pilot tests in Spain, let's talk!

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